(C) Hanne-Marie Christensen
Few things in science are more rewarding than working with students and trainees. As a mentor and educator, I strive to make animal behavior research accessible, collaborative, and inclusive. Embracing the hands-on aspects of the natural sciences, I love incorporating field experiences into my teaching and helping to ignite this passion in others.
Expectations of Jen
As the Principal Investigator of the Moss Lab, I will:
Work with you to develop a personalized mentorship plan that will help you thrive in my lab and reach your goals
Respect your autonomy as a scientist by allowing some flexibility in project directions and encouraging you to pursue questions that interest you
Provide guidance throughout the design, execution and interpretation of experiments
Train you in techniques to which I am familiar and arrange for your training in others
Make myself available through regular, scheduled meetings to facilitate your progress
Cultivate a collegiate, respectful, and safe environment for you to do your work
Provide access to laboratory space and equipment needed to do your work and/or help source or acquire funding for special equipment as needed
Provide timely and constructive feedback on writing and presentations
Support your professional development by helping you identify relevant conferences, workshops, and networking opportunities, and secure resources needed to participate
Expectations of you
As a member of the Moss Lab, you will:
Practice self-reflection and work with Jen to develop a mentorship plan that work best for you and aligns with your goals, accepting that these may change
Practice effective time management to facilitate progress towards your goals and revisit your plan regularly
Take an active role in asking, researching, and discussing questions of interest
Prioritize and come prepared for all scheduled meetings, including lab meetings
Behave professionally, adhere to all safety guidelines, and respect your fellow lab members and colleagues
Conduct yourself with scientific integrity. This includes never manipulating data, lying about results, or plagiarizing
Keep detailed written records of your work, whether in the laboratory, at the computer, or in the field
Accept and do your best to incorporate constructive feedback on writing and presentations
Assist Jen in mentoring your junior colleagues by exercising patience, answering questions, and supporting their accomplishments
Wall of Alums